Virtual reality is one of the top technologies of the modern age. On par with space exploration and discovering new ways of dating fossils, virtual reality has many industries backing the production and development of new innovations within the extended reality (XR) sphere. Businesses all around the world are adopting VR strategies into their business model, and progressive industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and construction have used virtual reality in creative ways to help boost production and further their overall company goals. As a result, companies that offer virtual reality services are cropping up all over the place to offer companies the value of their expertise.
In order to understand what virtual reality service is, having a firm grasp of virtual reality and what it can do for your company is key.
What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality is a computer-based technology that allows users to immerse themselves in an artificial environment where they can interact with their virtual surroundings in real time. Using a head mounted display gamers, trainees, developers, manufacturers, educators, and much more, can access the benefits that virtual reality has to offer their specific industry.
Virtual reality works by using sensory gloves or mats to track a person’s movements in the physical space to provide feedback that the display then projects around them. They can move within their virtual surroundings and interact the environment.
There are several degrees to virtual reality immersion, and the level to which you need depends on what you’re using the technology for.
Non-immersive virtual reality is the lowest level of virtual reality. In this level, the user can interact with the virtual environment using a computer. In this instance, the user can control the virtual environment, like the characters or setting of a video game, but the they are not in the virtual environment in a physical way, so they’re not physically interacting with a virtual environment. Another example of non-immersive virtual reality is any instance on the internet in which you’re connecting with others via an avatar, like in World of Warcraft.
Semi-immersive virtual reality lies in between non-immersive and fully immersive virtual reality. The user can actually move around the virtual space, and interact with the environment, but in comparison to fully immersive virtual reality, there is no sensation other than the visual to enhance the experience. The user can move objects around virtually and enjoy the visuals of the environment, but stay fully grounded in the physical world still. This could be anything from a virtual tour in a museum, or anything that requires the user to see subject matter as if they were really there without having to physically be in the room.
Fully immersive virtual reality is the deepest level of immersion using visuals that are entirely realistic. It differs from semi- and non-immersive virtual reality in more ways that just the standard visual levels. In fully immersive VR experiences, not only are there visual displays, but using mats, and other physical objects that help the user project into the virtual space (such as chairs, and other sensory supplementers) the user can almost completely eliminate sensation of the physical world around them. This level of virtual reality poses the greatest safety risk to a persons physical and mental health because it can cause headaches, nausea, and self-isolation in extreme instances. Used in moderation, however, and for specific purposes, fully immersive virtual reality can have the greatest impact for military training operations, exposure therapy, and very deep levels of gaming.
For clarification, many people lump augmented reality in with VR immersion levels when it is, in fact, not part of the VR space. It is on the extended reality spectrum of immersion, but lies on the opposite end from virtual reality. This is because the interactive space is entirely physical, whereas the virtual reality interactive space is entirely virtual.
How is Virtual Reality Used in Business?
There are several use cases for virtual reality in many niches, but business use cases are becoming more prevalent and mainstream.
Employee training is one area that virtual reality is proving beneficial. No only is it helping employees onboard initially, but the immersive nature of virtual reality helps improve information retention, making the employees more confident in their job responsibilities. It also helps with safety outcomes, allowing the employees to experience high risk scenarios in a low-risk environment. This helps them understand the nature of any mistakes without the drastic consequences of making the mistake on the job.
Marketing efforts are following virtual reality trends, especially now that VR technology is gaining more development opportunities in various communities. Marketing within the virtual reality sphere allows companies to reach their intended target demographic in a very interactive way. The more a person interacts with a specific company, the more memorable that company will be, for better or for worse. Marketing with VR can challenge traditional sales strategies and develop better customers.
Increased customer engagement helps businesses understand their target demographic and take the customer data and turn it into useful information for the company. Data is only data until it’s analyzed with a specific purpose in mind, and virtual reality engagement creates unique instances of data collection that other avenues don’t. Turning this data into useful information in turn helps create better engagement opportunities for valuable customers.
Manufacturing and production uses virtual reality to revolutionize their inventory control, factory layout planning, and production processes. VR can help streamline design and creation of products to eliminate unnecessary time and resources from the process. It also helps improve safety outcomes on the floor by eliminating the unknown in employee management.
Introducing established products to new audiences is a staple of an effective business strategy. With VR being relatively new to businesses in general, it’s another way that they can market old backlisted products to a new demographic of people. Not everybody stays on the same platform, and on par with having an effective social media strategy, implementing virtual reality into a promotion strategy can help boost business awareness.
What is Virtual Reality Service and How Can it Help Your Business?
So, how can virtual reality service help your business?
Virtual reality services are provided by companies specializing in the creation of virtual reality technology programs. Creating a VR application or program for your company is time consuming and complicated, especially if you’re new to the technology and have no idea how it actually works. VR firms help you develop a program designed around your specific needs, be it training, design, or analytic in nature, to help you get the most out of your virtual reality strategies.
A good virtual reality service will help you develop a virtual reality program designed to reach your business goals with ongoing support from experienced technicians.
HoloPundits takes your innovated idea from the initial concept and turns it into a reality (virtual, that is). We provide solutions for companies in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, education, construction, education and much more. With custom solutions, you can:
- Effectively recruit, engage, train, and retain top performing employees
- Train employees to perform critical tasks with proper safety procedures
- Reduce cost, eliminate distance barriers, enhance learning, improve productivity, and reduce critical errors
- Speed turnaround times for maintenance and repairs
With a simple process, we promise to provide you with the best solutions to give you complete satisfaction with our services. We’ll handle the hard stuff so you can focus on doing your job. and with 24/7 support, you’ll know you’re in good hands.