It can be difficult at times to understand how and why people feel motivated to act or perform in specific ways. Keeping students motivated in the classroom can be a challenge, especially when teachers and students don't share the same values or ideas.
If you're having a hard time connecting or motivating students-you're not alone.
However, in an ever-evolving digital age, there are viable options. Our webinar on April 6, 2022, explores how you can use virtual reality learning apps to increase classroom motivation. Stay tuned!
Here is an overview of our blog
1. What is Motivation?
a. Intrinsic Motivation
b. Extrinsic Motivation
2. What does Motivation do?
3. The Four dimensional Motivation Model
a. Attention
b. Relevance
c. Confidence
d. Satisfaction
4. Introducing Virtual Reality
5. How does virtual reality (VR) help motivate students?
6. Benefits of using VR in the classroom
7. How to use VR in the classroom
Bottom line
1. What Is Motivation?
Motivation is a person's desire to be or do something. It refers to what people want, what they choose to do, and what they commit to doing.
There are different factors involved in motivation. These factors are often referred to as intrinsic and extrinsic.
The concept of extrinsic motivation was developed by psychologists Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan. This theory states that people are motivated to act or perform a certain way because of external factors, such as rewards or punishments. Opposed to intrinsic motivation, which refers to how people become motivated to act or perform a certain way because of internal factors.
- Intrinsic motivation is those situations where you perform activities for the pleasure of doing them regardless of whether you obtain recognition or not.
- Extrinsic motivation refers to situations where you're involved in activities mainly for instrumental purposes or for reasons external to the activity itself, such as obtaining a reward.
2. So, What Does Motivation Do?
One of the most basic ways motivation affects a person's behavior is by affecting their mood. If a student is not motivated to learn, it affects how they feel and act towards a lecture. Unmotivated students tend to create situations that result in teachers becoming frustrated and searching for answers.
Even with that being said, teachers cannot always control students' motivation.
If a student doesn't feel motivated to learn, teachers cannot always feel responsible for such a student. Most teachers don't hesitate to go the extra mile to ensure every student understands what's being taught.
Teachers cannot always feel responsible about student's motivation because:
- They don't have enough time to include all the content a student may be require to learn.
- Teaching can be highly specialized. For example, in a math class, a teacher may not be able to choose to teach algebra and leave geometry because students are not motivated to learn.
- Teachers can only teach. It's entirely up to students to decide whether they want to learn.
Motivation primarily determines the direction, negative or positive, that a student takes.
3. The Four-Dimensional Motivational Model
To bring home our point on how classroom motivation works, and to help you create course materials that enhance students' learning, let's look at the four-dimensional motivation model.
- Attention
In a fast-paced world driven by endless innovations, it's only natural that students harbor a low attention span.
If you want to keep students motivated in the classroom, you must find a way to gain and maintain their attention. Therefore, engaging, fun-filled, and exciting learning materials effortlessly attract Gen Z's attention.
- Relevance
We tend to barely react, emotionally, physically, or otherwise, to something we feel is not relevant to our lives. This is a natural human instinct and there are students who may not see a course as being relevant to their everyday existence.
- Confidence
Nobody truly believes they are unable to learn or grasp a complex concept-they just lack confidence. If you can show students that they can learn on their own, from anywhere, at any time, at their preferred pace, their confidence level will improve.
Help students feel confident in their ability to succeed, and you will quickly experience the endless possibilities of teaching from every lecture.
- Satisfaction
Just like your students, you strive for satisfaction in everything you do. The moment we stop finding satisfaction in a particular act or habit, we tend to lose interest. If you want to keep students motivated in the classroom, you must help them feel satisfied with their achievements and learning abilities.
Now that you understand student motivation and how to cultivate it in the classroom, let's look at how you can take the next step with virtual reality classroom apps.
4. Introducing Virtual Reality
VR or virtual reality is an immersive technology that allows teachers and students to go beyond the three-dimensional space and experience learning from diverse perspectives.
Unlike augmented reality (AR), which places interactive 3D overlays in the real world and allows students and teachers to make use of it as they deem fit, VR enhances the physical world, allowing you to experience an artificial reality as if you were indeed in it.
VR first gained mainstream usage in the gaming world, then slowly found its way into the entertainment, health care, manufacturing, and now, the educational industry. Administrators, teachers, and students use VR learning apps to bridge learning barriers and gain first-hand experience of complex subjects.
5. How does virtual reality (VR) help motivate students?
Since you now have an idea of what virtual reality is, it's time to learn how you can increase students' motivation using VR.
- VR is an excellent tool for boosting intrinsic motivation
If students can view learning as a pleasurable activity, they will invest time and effort in making it a habit. And if they make learning a habit, you wouldn't find them constantly questioning the relevance of your teaching material. Plus, they'd easily cultivate a longer attention span.
Virtual reality learning apps can create a safe space for students to explore topics that may otherwise be challenging, helping them become more interested in the subject matter and engage with it fully.
- VR increases students' satisfaction
Gen Z wants to experience learning for themselves, and the inability of traditional learning methods to help achieve this results in lower satisfaction rates.
Exposing students to virtual environments that emulate the natural functioning of the concepts observed in subjects can improve students' satisfaction with learning.
- VR can boost students' confidence
Improved confidence leads to higher test scores, better grades, and more willingness to get involved in the learning process.
VR helps students simplify complex STEAM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math), paving the way for genuine communications between teachers and students. Students become more confident when they can learn at their own pace, and VR supports such an experience.
6. Benefits of Using VR in the Classroom:
In case you're wondering if there are other perks from integrating classroom VR, we've got you covered. Below are some benefits of virtual reality in the classroom:
- Increased engagement
- A safe space to learn
- Increased confidence
- Better test scores
- Increased willingness to get involved with school
- Improved grades and attendance
7. How to use VR in the classroom
There are many ways to use VR in the classroom. The key to success is to make VR available when your students need it. This can be during class time, after school, or during lunch. If a student has trouble paying attention in class, VR can help.
We recommend you integrate VR into your lesson plans and activities. You can do this by downloading XR Guru-an immersive learning app helping teachers and students create fairer opportunities for STEAM learning while advancing education and learning in the metaverse.
NB. VR is not a replacement for classroom instruction or traditional teaching methods. It's an additional tool that teachers and students can use to achieve their class goals.
Bottom line
Finding the reasons for students' motivation is not easy. Immersive techs like VR can help eliminate situations that make a student lose interest in learning a complex topic.
VR can help improve students' engagement with the subject and their willingness to get involved with school and the community.
Virtual reality is making major inroads in education, and many expected it to become an even more effective and valuable tool for educators. This is primarily due to immersive technology's impact on students.
Join Us for Our Next Webinar
Title: Increase student motivation using Virtual Reality
Enhance students' learning with virtual reality!
If you want your institution to excel or your students to enjoy a life-long learning experience, you can integrate classroom tools that enhance students' motivation to learn. This webinar highlights all you need to know about virtual reality learning apps and their ability to increase students' motivation.
Join our live webinar to learn more about increasing student motivation with virtual reality.
If you cannot attend, register anyway and we will send you the recording.
Host: Doug Smith
Webinar Time: April 6, 2022, Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. (EST)
Goal: To help administrators, teachers, and learners understand the essence of VR in the classroom and its ability to increase motivation.
Who Should Join:
- Administrators
- Teachers aspiring to adopt VR in classrooms
- Subject Matter Experts
- Content Creators
- Trainers
Highlights of the Webinar
- Learn what motivation means
- Understand what motivation does in the classroom
- Learn about the four-dimensional motivational model
- Learn about VR and its benefit
- Gain a clear understanding of how VR is increasing motivation in students
Outcome: Attending the webinar helps depict a clear picture of what VR can do for teachers and how it's supporting the everyday learning experience.