Corporate Headquarters

475 Metro place South, Suite 120, Dublin, OH 43017, USA,

Direct: +1 614-707-5225

Global Technology Center

SKCL Infinite Towers, A21 & A22, Thiru-vi-ka Ind. Estate, Guindy, Chennai-600032, India,

Direct: +91 (44)-2250-1363

Inspiring and Ground-breaking Trends on XR Technology


How Augmented Reality in Education Ca...

Augmented reality (AR) is a staple in mainstream media these days. It's impossible to turn a corner on the street, or flip through an ad on a phone without seeing an e...

Dec 15, 2022, 2:04 AM

5 Articles on Virtual Reality in Heal...

A common misconception regarding virtual reality technology in healthcare is that it's a newer advancement in technological development. Implementing it into medical s...

Dec 1, 2022, 1:58 AM
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